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For the Word of God is alive and powerful. Hebrews 4:12a (NLT)

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Bible Translation.
Community Development.

OneBook supports people around the world who are making a difference in their communities. We help you to partner with these people. You can bring life, health, education, faith, and equality to those who need it most.

Bible Translation

Transforming communities through the power of God’s Word. Our projects equip and empower local men and women to translate Scripture into the heart language of their people. 


The ability to read and write one’s language is a foundational skill that impacts every aspect of life: self-esteem, spiritual fulfillment, interpersonal relationships, physical wellbeing, and economic opportunity.  

Community Development

The impact of OneBook’s Bible translation and literacy projects reaches far beyond the pulpit and the classroom. Entire communities are being changed forever. 

Local and Lasting

At the completion of each project, we strive to leave communities with flourishing mother-tongue literacy, healthy churches, and local men and women empowered and equipped to continue the mission. 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1


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700-1816 Crowchild Trail NW

Calgary, AB T2M 3Y7

Copyright OneBook 2024                                                                                     CRA Charitable Registration # 81317 5957 RR0001 (Global PartnerLink operating as OneBook)

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