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Women learning to read. Literacy class.

When you join TeamOne, you will join a community of individuals working together to bring LIFE, HEALTH, EDUCATION, GROWTH, EQUALITY, and FAITH to those who need it most. 

WhY GIVe Monthly

Long term impact

long-term impact

Your monthly support allows local project teams to take a planned, long-term approach. TeamOne  members are standing with people in minority language communities everyday to make this life-changing work possible.  

Beyond charity

Beyond charity

The local partners we work with are not looking for hand-outs—they are working towards change. Your generosity provides the means to create a sustainable future that benefits their entire community.

Cost Efficient

Cost Efficient

Monthly giving means lower administration costs, which means more of your money goes to where it's needed most—minority language communities that need to hear of the transforming love of God. 

Transforming communities. Transforming lives.

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Your support provides

Bible translation transforms communities

Bible translation

Lasting transformation comes through the power of God's Word. When people have access to the Bible in their heart language, it promotes understanding, transformation, and spiritual growth. 



The ability to read and write one's mother-tongue language is a foundational skill. It shapes every aspect of life from personal development, economic opportunity, physical well-being, and spiritual fulfillment.

Local and lasting community transformation

Local and Lasting

Empowering locals to lead Bible Translation and Literacy in their communities. With direct connections to their neighbours, they can work efficiently and effectively, and continue to promote growth and engagement even after project completion. 

Community development logo

Community Development

Bible Translation and Literacy initiatives promote holistic community development. When people have a written language, they can then access information on health, sustainable agriculture and financial literacy for small businesses. 

You'll receive

♦ E-Newsletters

Regular monthly updates on how your support is transforming lives. 

♦ Events

Enjoy exclusive access to TeamOne events where you can connect with fellow supporters and hear firsthand stories of the impact you are making. 

♦ Discovery Trips

Be the first to know about travel opportunities to visit projects.

♦ Joy

You'll know YOU are making a difference in reaching the least reached people with the love of Jesus. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Your monthly contribution goes directly towards the projects that OneBook funds in countries throughout Africa and Asia. We work with locals to transform minority language communities who have never heard of Jesus. Multi-faceted projects encompass bringing the power of God's Word in their own language and providing literacy training to enable individuals to read and write their own mother-tongue. This work restores dignity and provides economic opportunity in the marketplace. Local communities are forever changed as they hear about the love of God and are given opportunities to improve their quality of life in practical and tangible ways. 

You can join TeamOne for any amount you like! Even more important than the size of your donation is the ongoing commitment you are making to provide monthly support for minority language communities. Whether it's $25 or $50 (or more) per month, you can rest assured that you are supporting programs that have a deep and lasting impact on entire communities through a flexible and cost-efficient method of donation. 

When you join TeamOne, we know that you have a strong commitment to reaching the least reached people with the love of God—so we offer multiple ways to connect with the impact and transformation your generosity is enabling. As a TeamOne member, each month you will receive an e-newsletter with updates about the projects you are funding. Stay tuned for TeamOne online events where you'll hear directly from people you are helping. Each January our Annual Report is delivered to you and is available online. Our website offers regularly updated information. And of course, you can join us on social media via Facebook, Twiter and Instagram to stay connected. 

The short answer is yes! If you have a specific minority language group you are passionate about serving, we want to make that happen. Please contact us by email or call 403-444-0039 to discuss this option further. 

The slightly longer answer is that while your monthly donation can be applied to a specific project, the communication you receive will continue to highlight all our projects. In general, TeamOne provides support to all our projects, prioritizing those where the need is greatest. As a result, TeamOne monthly giving is the most cost-effective method, as tracking, processing and administration is minimal and more of your dollars can be directed where help is needed the most so that all our projects can be fully funded. 

The most cost-effective way to become a TeamOne member is by using our online form to set up pre-authorized payment from your banking account. You can also set up pre-authorized payment on your credit card which has slightly higher processing fees. Any way you choose to support our projects through your monthly donation is a life-changing decision for minority language communities. 

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