Isolated believers are at risk
Send a translator to share God's Word.
Opposition to Christianity is rising.
Speakers of minority languages have already faced years of discrimination. Now threats and attacks on Christians in remote villages cause extreme anxiety and fear. As neighbours mock new Christians for their belief in Jesus, pressure and intimidation mount.
Ensure God’s Word is delivered to isolated believers by supplying translators with what they need to translate Scripture and visit their people living in rural areas.
Your gift of $22 will sponsor one crucial visit to share God’s life-changing Word in the heart language.
This spring, travel to these isolate villages is extremely difficult, but so essential during this time of intense opposition to the Christian faith in South Asia.
"Please visit with us, pray for us, and teach our children so that we may grow in the Lord."
— A mother from the Nirgam community
Your donation will help:
Strengthen isolated Christians by enabling translators to travel to remote villages, sharing encouragement and God’s Word in their mother-tongue.
Make God's powerful name known in remote villages.
Care for a nearly-forgotten people.